Inside the Lab
Inside the Lab
S3EP10: Saved by the Lab: A LIVE ‘90s Trivia Contest
Are you ready for Medical Laboratory Professionals Week?
Our annual celebration of pathologists and medical laboratory professionals begins April 23, 2023, and this year’s theme is Saved by the Lab, a play on the popular sitcom from the 1990s, Saved by the Bell. In honor of Zack Morris and friends from Bayside High, we’re revisiting the ‘90s to explore what was going on in the world—and the world of laboratory medicine.
On this LIVE episode of Inside the Lab, your host, Ms. Kelly Swails, MLS(ASCP), is joined by Dr. Robert A. Goulart, MD, MASCP, FCAP, Associate Chief of Anatomic Pathology and Director of Quality and Patient Safety at the University of Massachusetts Memorial Health System and President-Elect of ASCP, Mr. Sean McNair, MPH, Cytology Education Coordinator at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and Program Director for the Cytology Training Program at Hunter College, Ms. Stephanie Y. Whitehead, MPH, MBA, MLS(ASCP), Executive Director of Pathology and Laboratory Services at University Health System in San Antonio, Texas, and Chair Elect for the Council of Laboratory Professionals, and Dr. Constantine Kanakis, MD, MSc, MLS(ASCP), Resident Physician at Loyola Medicine in Chicago and Member of the ASCP Patient Champions Advisory Board, for a ‘90s trivia showdown.
Our panelists answer questions about ‘90s pop culture, including the highest grossing movies, chart-topping music and hottest toys of the decade.Dr. Goulart, Mr. McNair, Ms. Whitehead and Dr. Kanakis also test their knowledge of noteworthy lab news from the ‘90s. Listen in to find out which of our panelists took home the coveted prize, a tote bag filled with Saved by the Lab gear!
Topics Covered
· Popular ‘90s trends such as the Tamagotchi, Tickle Me Elmo, Harry Potter and reality television
· ‘90s pop culture trivia, e.g.: the most-watched episode of TV, highest grossing movie and chart-topping music of the decade
· Lab-specific ‘90s trivia like when ASCP elected a laboratory professional to the Board of Directors for the first time or how many lab professionals were working in the US at that time
· Noteworthy laboratory news from the ‘90s, including Marie Gatscha’s testimony to Congress on behalf of ASCP, the revision of the WHO Blue Book on bone tumors, and trastuzumab’s impact on breast cancer treatment
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Dr. Kanakis at Loyola Pathology
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