Inside the Lab
Inside the Lab
S2Ep7:Erasing Institutional Bias (Leadership Institute Book Club)
Every human has bias, as do the organizations we build. Despite commitments to diversity and inclusion, institutional bias lives on in every industry. How does institutional bias show up in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine? And what can we do to affect change?
On this episode of Inside the Lab, Dr. Dan Milner and Ms. Kelly Swails are joined by Ms. Tywauna Wilson, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, System Technical Director of Chemistry for CompuNet Clinical Laboratories and Founder of Trendy Elite Coaching and Consulting, Dr. Von Samedi, MD, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, and Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem, DHA, MBA-HCM, MS, CLS, MLS(ASCP)SBB, Blood Bank and Transfusion Service Supervisor at Stanford Health Care, to discuss the book Erasing Institutional Bias: How to Create Systemic Change for Organizational Inclusion by Tiffany Jana and Ashley Diaz Mejias.
Our panelists share what they realized about recruiting, hiring, and advancement bias in their organizations (and the role they play in sustaining it) from reading the book. They explore how occupational bias presents in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine and what we can do to advocate for ourselves. Listen in for insight on recruiting allies without being perceived as a troublemaker and find out how you can take steps to erase institutional bias—whether or not you’re in a leadership role.
Topics Covered
· An overview of the themes in Erasing Institutional Bias around how bias gets embedded in workplace cultures and what we can do to eliminate it
· What our panelists realized about recruiting, hiring and advancement bias in their organizations from reading the book (and the role they play in sustaining it)
· How occupational bias shows up in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine
· How laboratory professionals and pathologists can work toward erasing institutional bias in our organizations
· Conducting a holistic review of residency applications and adopting a blind hiring process
· How realistic it is for us to succeed in erasing institutional bias without being in a leadership role
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Erasing Institutional Bias: How to Create Systemic Change for Organizational Inclusion
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